Welcome to our collection of ancient and modern writings on the philosophy and teachings of the Rosicrucians, the Rose Cross Tradition and its contributions to the spiritual upliftment of humanity.
Landmarks of the Rose Cross
- Fama Fraternitatis
- Confessio Fraternitatis
- The Chymical Wedding of C.R.C.
- Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th & 17th Centuries (text and diagrams).
Commentaries on the Landmarks of the Rose Cross
- Commentaries on the Chymical Wedding of C.R.C.
by Jack Courtis - Commentaries on the Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians
by Jack Courtis
Related Studies
- Kabala
by Jack Courtis
Contemporary Writings
- Benedict Spinoza - Philosopher, Mystic, Rosicrucian
by Gary L. Stewart - Determining Rosicrucian Affiliation of René Des-Cartes (1596 - 1650)
by Gary L. Stewart - Ella Wheeler Wilcox - Writer & Mystic Rosicrucian
by Dr. John Palo - Perspective: The Importance of Versatility
by Gary L. Stewart - Simon Studion, 1543-1605 (?)
by H.C.A. Pass - The Tomb of CRC - The Symbolism of the Seven Sides
by Jack Courtis
Expanded Collection
- Essays, bibliographies, contemporary articles
dealing with Rosicrucianism, mysticism, western esoteric traditions and kabala.
Submissions for inclusion in this section are welcome!